Research During my current postdoc at GANIL, France


Measurements of fission fragment mass distribution after neutron emission using fast neutrons.

Reaction Mechanism

 Facility Used in the experiment

At GANIL, I actively contributed to an experiment at the FALSTAFF facility, focusing on actinide fission in the fast-neutron energy domain.  I accomplished the following tasks:

  1. identifying \gamma-peaks,
  2. converting the time-of-flight (TOF) spectrum to neutron energy spectrum,
  3. generating spectra for velocity, energy, and mass distribution of fission fragments, and
  4. determining the efficiency of the Ionization Chamber through GEANT4 simulation.

Research During my first postdoc at SINP, India


Nuclear structure studies of the ^{29}P nuclei.

At SINPL, my contribution was extensive in analyzing the gamma spectroscopy data obtained from an experiment conducted at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Center (VECC) in India. 29P nuclei were populated through the natSi(p, γ)29P reaction, utilizing a 10 MeV beam from the Cyclotron.

Reaction Mechanism

 Facility Used in the experiment

At SINP, Kolkata, I delved into gamma-ray spectroscopy of excited states of the ^{29}P nucleus, exhibiting the data analysis, including

  1. data calibration,
  2. constructing a matrix for gamma-gamma coincidence,
  3. obtaining gated spectra, and
  4. identifying several new gamma peaks in ^{29}P.

Research During my Ph.D. in Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

Title of Ph.D. Thesis


Study of Reaction Mechanism of Heavy Compound Systems Through the Evaporation Residue & Fission Cross-Section Measurements

Experiment Performed

 Facility Used in the experiment

Hybrid Recoil Mass Analyzer

  • He gas @ 0.30 Torr
  • C Window foil:  650\rm \ \mu g/cm^2

Its main function is to select ER from the enormous beam background better than 10^{12}



MWPC (Focal plane detector)

  • Mylar foil followed by Cathode@ -170 V Anode@ +350 V
  • Isobuatne gas
  • Pressure @ 2.5 Torr.


ML, MR @ 60 V, θ@ 25°.

For Normalization purpose.

Reaction Mechanism

Formulae Used to Measure ER Cross-Section

My doctoral research focused on experimental measurements of Evaporation Residue (ER) excitation functions in the 48Ti + 142,150Nd, 144Sm systems. Utilizing the gas-filled mode of the HYbrid Recoil mass Analyzer (HYRA) facility at the Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC), Delhi, I conducted detailed studies on proton shell closure and deformation effects. My experience extends beyond this, encompassing diverse experiments such as mass-energy and angular distribution of fission fragments, quasi-elastic scattering measurements, and charged particle and neutron multiplicity measurements.

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